

mercredi, 5 mars 2008

Hi everybody!

To make the diagram, we need your collaboration for a few things!! as we
don't have much time left, could you take a few minutes for the following
(before friday):

-- For the diagram we need many photos of our different meetings! Please
if you have any of them, !!! please send them to me!!
In case there are too many, you can also leave a CD at the CCC, or load
them with an USB key in the first computer on the left! (we made a special
folder at this attention)

-- photos of every working place : unfortunately i will not have the time
to visit everybody!! so please could you send me a photo of your own
working place!!!

-- we reconstructed the hole process of our meetings, we noted all the
meetings we could think about, so maybe there are some we didn't remember
or couldn't attend...
!!!If you could check at the timeline we constructed, it is on the wall,
and add in the meetings we have forgotten about!!!

-- we will mention the differents themes of research. Could you think of
an iconagraphy that will match them? It will be good to have a question
that could help people get in the subject and have a look at the research!

thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valérie and Laura

GAEL : mercredi 12 à 10h, on se voit avec Laura. On prévoit JEUDI toute la
journée pour réaliser le prototype, cela te va??

bonne fin de semaine!

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