

mardi, 8 janvier 2008

women filmakers from berlin

"How do women, feminists, LGBTs oppose neoliberal hegemonies, power and the war logic? Which part does the struggle against gender hierarchies and patriarchal structures take in this? Which concepts and ideas empower us? Which visions do we have for living together?"

The Women Videoletters – A Second Text on War came up at a meeting of women video activists from India, Germany, Mexico and Switzerland in October 2001 in Berlin as a feminist answer to the media reporting after September 11th. The second edition of the Women Videoletters in January 2004 was extended by a critical stance towards globalization in general. The Women Videoletters were shown at political actions, festivals and other events, e.g. at the World Social Forum in Mumbai in January 2005.

They are a group of women video activists (at present three women with German, Iranian and Russian backgrounds which consider themselves as a part of the feminist movements without being affiliated to any official party or institution) coordinating the project from Berlin and currently working on the third edition of the Women Videoletters.

lo-fi recording interview about Women Videoletters working condition:

I've got Cd with films from Women Videoletters Second edition from 2004 if someone is interested

1 commentaire:

101 a dit…

parfait ! ! we NEED thiS !